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About Me

Photo of Livia Lima

Hi! 🖐🏻 I’m Livia Lima, a tech enthusiast with expertise in Linux and open-source technologies. Through platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and YouTube, I actively share knowledge and resources in the tech community. My involvement in projects like the Linux Upskill Challenge showcases my dedication to community learning and development. I’ve been publishing technical tutorials on my YouTube channel and I’m committed to promoting open-source culture and empowering others in the field.

I usually combine that excitement with 15 years of experience supporting IT infrastructure (network, storage, and application servers), delivering great customer service.

Outside of technology, I enjoy music, craft beer, comic books and rugby. I’ve done crossfit in the past but today I keep my stress levels down by doing some light hiking and drinking tea.

Currently looking for a new and challenging position as a Technical Support Specialist where I can apply all that experience to drive positive change.

Awesome stuff I did

I’m a member of the Linux Professional Institute, LPIC-1, LFCA and specialized in other infrastructure technologies like Storage and Network. I’ve got a few shiny badges on Credly to prove it.

Here’s a short list of things I’ve done that I’m proud of:

I’m the Project Lead for the Linux Upskill Challenge, a volunteer project that helps those who want to learn more about how to operate a Linux server. Since 2020, I’ve helped about 30,000 students from all over the world in their Linux journey.

In addition to the written material, I produced and published a complimentary video series on YouTube, achieving a total view count of 50,000+ and receiving positive feedback from 95% of viewers. We just hit 1k subscribers!

My aim was to simplify the most basic concepts of Linux for system administration.

Created a static website on AWS from scratch (yes, this one you are seeing right now) as a personal project. A lot has changed since then, I’m no longer on AWS but I can get myself around with static content hosting now.

I generated $50k in cost savings for a major US bank client by implementing efficient governance measures for their network circuit and telephone line inventory, optimizing utilization and reducing unnecessary expenses.

I increased Cisco certified analysts by 35% through structured training and coaching. Implemented classroom courses and skill assessments, enhancing technical knowledge to meet delivery demands. Supervised global learning plans, validating technical scope, and aiding in recruitment for Network Support Specialists, ensuring effective training and support readiness.

I successfully transitioned Voice support to integrate to my former Network team, increasing efficiency by 20% through structured training and process deployment. This streamlined operations, ensuring seamless integration within the network infrastructure and reducing resolution time by 15%.

Awesome stuff I post

My other interests can be found throughout my social media accounts, each to some degree.

Awesome support from you

If you appreciate my work, you can buy me a coffee or become my sponsor if you feel extra generous.

DISCLAIMER : The opinions expressed on this page are my own views and not those of any of my employers, past or present. This page is run as an independent blog.