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My Impossible List

This is NOT a bucket list!

The idea was originally from Joel Runyon and I based my list on Thomas Frank’s version.

The impossible list should always evolve, listing experiences that lead to other experiences. Somehow it ends up inspiring others as well as yourself and, more importantly, it compels you to take action. I was quite impressed to see that I’ve already completed some of my goals, it really is an awesome exercise.

Life and/or Legacy Goals

  • Be self-sufficient and location-independent
  • Help my parents and my brother to live a good life
  • Share a happy authentic life with a partner
  • Build an off-grid tiny house
  • Rescue a dog
  • Provide an education to 100,000 people
  • Help people expand their potential (always in progress)

Health/Fitness Goals

  • Get out of anti-depressants
  • Get out of high blood pressure medication
  • Get my first pull-up
  • Deadlift 150kg (330lbs)
  • Back Squat 100kg (200lbs)
  • Clean and Jerk 70kg (150lbs)
  • Snatch 45kg (100lbs)
  • Bench Press 45kg (100lbs)
  • Finish a CrossFit Open within the Top 1000 overall rank worldwide for my division
  • Complete the One Ton Total challenge (500kg/1200lbs for women)
  • Complete a Spartan Race

Professional Goals

  • Create an online course
  • Make $10,000 (gross) in a month
  • Give a TED Talk
  • Write a book
  • Make a documentary

Geek Goals

Based on The Coders Bucket List

  • Bring a website to production (you are looking at this beauty!)
  • Learn to use vim
  • Learn to use emacs
  • Learn Shell Scripting
  • Compile my own Linux Kernel
  • Install and run stuff on FreeBSD
  • Contribute to Open Source
  • Write a compiler
  • Learn a functional programming language
  • Develop a mobile app (and release it)
  • Write a JavaScript single page application
  • Write a server rendered app
  • Hack in a Capture the Flag Contest

Beer Goals

Language Goals

  • English: Pass as Proficient on IELTS - did it multiple times for different reasons
    • Academic: overall score 7.0 (March 2023)
    • General: overall score 8.0 (July 2021)
    • General: overall score 7.5 (May 2018)
    • Academic: overall score 7.0 (Sep 2015)
  • Spanish
    • become conversational (B2 level)
    • become fluent (C1/C2 level)
  • French: become conversational (B2 level)

Skill Goals

  • Learn archery
  • Learn knife/axe throwing
  • Learn woodchopping
  • Learn to snowboard
  • Learn to rock-climb
  • Learn to surf
  • Learn to ice skate

Fun and/or “Insane” Goals

  • Climb a mountain
  • Scuba dive
  • Kayak
  • Horseback ride
  • Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
  • Play drums again and perform for an audience
  • Play an instrument available at a public space
  • Have an epic Nerf gun battle

Events to Attend (in person, not online)

  • FISL - Fórum Internacional de Software Livre (2015) : best thing I’ve ever done. Absolutely life changing. So sad it’s over.
  • Medieval themed events
    • Jantar Medieval VI Edition (2014)
    • Noites Bárbaras V Edition (2014)
    • Jantar Medieval VII Edition (2015)
    • Jantar Medieval VIII Edition (2016)
  • Open Source Summit
  • Cisco Live
  • AWS Summit
  • PyCon
  • Deftones concert
  • Download Festival
  • Glastonbury Festival
  • Red Rocks Festival
  • Comic Con
  • CrossFit Games
  • Rugby Six Nations Championship (a Scotland and/or Ireland match)
  • European Rugby Champions Cup finals
  • NHL finals
  • Rugby World Cup
  • Summer Olympics
  • Winter Olympics

Travel Goals